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Many species of turtle are now critically endangered, and it is thanks to the work of conservationists all over the world that turtle breeding sites are now becoming increasingly protected.

Snorkelling with turtles
Snorkelling with turtles

You can see turtles laying their eggs in the following places, and you may even be able to get involved in conservation work counting the eggs and monitoring the turtles.

Selingan Island, Turtle Islands National Park, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

1. Turtle Island National Park, Borneo

Known as Selingan Island, Turtle Island National Park has been designated a national park to protect newly laid eggs and vulnerable hatchlings from predators. The island is named after the turtles which come ashore to lay their eggs once the sun has set. Both green and hawksbill turtles are popular which means the chances of seeing a mother laying her eggs are high all year round. The hatchlings are incubated and born in a breeding centre on the island, before being set free by the park wardens.

To find out more about tailor-made trips to Borneo, visit the Borneo section of our website, or speak to a Borneo specialist directly on 01993 838 120 to discuss your ideas further.

Ras Al Jinz Beach, Oman

2. Ras Al Jinz, Oman

Reached from the Wahiba Sands Ras Al Jinz is a small sandy bay where greenback turtles come ashore to nest all year round (although the principal nesting season is July to September). A permit will be needed to visit the beach at night, but we can arrange this for you. Visits are undertaken in the company of a guide who ensures minimal disruption to the huge turtles as they dig their nests and lay their eggs.

To find out more about tailor-made trips to Oman, visit the Oman section of our website, or speak to an Oman specialist directly on 01993 838 430 to discuss your ideas further.

Turtles on Nosy Iranja

3. Nosy Iranja, Madagascar

Located off the north west coast of Madagascar, Nosy Iranja is an important breeding site for hawksbill turtles and scientists are currently working on a turtle monitoring project. Guests can learn about the work, and with luck, watch turtles hatching at night.

To find out more about tailor-made trips to Madagascar, visit the Madagascar section of our website, or speak to a Madagascar specialist directly on 01993 838 585 to discuss your ideas further.

Mnemba Island, Tanzania

4. Mnemba Island, Zanzibar

Located off the north east coast of Zanzibar Island, Mnemba Island is a popular island for nesting green turtles. Each time a turtle nests the Mnemba lodge staff mark the spot with a 'due date', then at the 'due date' a close eye is kept on the nests and guests can watch the young turtles hatching and making their way to the sea.

To find out more about tailor-made trips to Zanzibar, visit the Zanzibar section of our website, or speak to a Zanzibar specialist directly on 01993 838 535 to discuss your ideas further.

Felicite Private Island, Seychelles

5. Coco and F茅licit茅, Seychelles

Situated east of Praslin, Coco and F茅licit茅 are beautiful islands with white sandy beaches frequented by turtles. Between the months of October and January is the best time to see hawksbill turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. A couple of months later (Dec-Mar) the hatchlings scuttle back to the sea during the night. The rare green turtle can be seen from June to September.

To find out more about tailor-made trips to Seychelles, visit the Seychelles section of our website, or speak to a Seychelles specialist directly on 01993 838 515 to discuss your ideas further.

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