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Kodaiji temple, Kyoto

From the blog in 2013

  • Y Thao Garden Restaurant, Hue

    Low salt diet Vietnam

    01 Min Read

    My wife and I are thinking of a trip to Vietnam. I am hesitant however, because I am on a very low sodium (salt) diet. I love Asian food, but know that much of it, especially the soups and sauces are very high in sodium. For example, I would assume that pho is entirely off limits. Will I be able to find restaurants that will be able to accommodate my restriction? Thanks for your advice.

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  • View to the Arenal Volcano

    Costa Rica: Boutique with bite

    08 Min Read

    Seeking out the wildest parts of Costa Rica needn't be an ordeal. Award-winning writer John Gimlette discovers that, as well as incredible scenery, the country has some of the most comfortable — and spectacular — lodges you'll ever find.

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  • Perito Moreno Glacier Tour, El Calafate

    UNESCO World Heritage Sites

    04 Min Read

    The UNESCO World Heritage list is the designation for places on Earth that are of outstanding universal value to humanity and therefore have been inscribed on the list to be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. How many UNESCO Heritage sites have you visited? We've listed a few of our favourites below...

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  • Cherry blossoms at Honmonji Temple

    Festivals of Japan

    03 Min Read

    Plenty of festivals are held throughout the year in Japan, so it's always worth seeing if you can combine your trip with one. It's a great way of immersing yourself in the culture of the country.

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  • Borobudur, Yogyakarta

    Alternatives to the world's travel icons

    03 Min Read

    Unfortunately with popular tourist sites you often get large crowds which can spoil your experience. In this article we take a look at some of the busiest and select an alternative which you might enjoy more!

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  • Red ruffed lemur, Masoala

    Experts' Guide to Madagascar

    04 Min Read

    Home to around 200,000 species — 80% of which are endemic — this Indian Ocean isle is animal heaven, with plenty of culture and beaches too. Here’s the lowdown from our specialists.

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