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Wildebeest in the Masai Mara National Reserve

From the blog in 2022

  • Giraffe in the Mara

    Just back from Kenya: unpacking our latest finds

    07 Min Read

    Safari specialists Natasha and Abigail have recently returned from a research trip across Kenya. After venturing from the Laikipia Plateau to the plains of the Masai Mara, the Tsavo region to the white-sand beaches of the coast, they share their stand-out experiences and what it’s like to travel now.

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  • Lioness lounging on a kopje in the Serengeti

    A day in the life of a Serengeti safari guide

    05 Min Read

    Experience a day on safari in Tanzania’s Serengeti, as seen through the eyes of Zawadi Dominic, head guide in Dunia Camp’s all-female team. From dawn’s first light to dinner under the stars, Zawadi shows us how she shapes your experience.

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