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Audley specialist Amy


South America Specialist

My passion for travel started from a young age but having never visited South America, I was fascinated with the continent. In 2022 I embarked on an eight month backpacking trip, at last living out my dream of seeing the Andes from as many angles as possible.

Travelling from the northern point to the southern tip, Peru and Ecuador were the places that stole my heart. The Inca history had me captivated, the gastronomy left me wanting more and the scenery meant I never had my camera away for very long. From the Ecuadorian Amazon and witnessing pink dolphins swimming alongside our canoe, to trekking the Inca Trail in Peru, every day was an adventure.

Whilst travelling, I realised that I wanted to pursue a career in the industry; after a decade planning events, I wanted to be creating holidays instead. Now being a Country Specialist at Audley means I get to help others explore these Andean destinations and share my passion for this colourful continent.

Speak to Amy
Audley specialist Amy

Start planning your trip to South America with Amy

Q&A with Amy

Machu Picchu

What is your most vivid travel moment?

After four days trekking the Inca Trail, passing 4,200 meters and camping out, getting to the Sun Gate overlooking Machu Picchu was an overwhelming moment. Having obsessed over pictures of this mysterious Inca site for many years and feeling very fortunate to have hiked such a prestigious trail, it felt surreal to be seeing the citadel with my own eyes. We were blessed with a blue sky day which was a relief after the mist that had shrouded us in the forest and it was an honour to share this moment with the new friends we had met along the way.

Two-toed sloth, Costa Rica

Where would you love to travel next?

I am fascinated by sloths so Costa Rica is top of my list. The sheer amount of rainforest wildlife, the magnificent landscapes, endless hiking trails and Caribbean beaches sound like they鈥檇 combine together to create my dream trip, sloths included of course.

Galapagos penguins

Your best piece of travel advice?

If you are lucky enough to be visiting the Galapagos Islands and are able to, hop in the water at every opportunity. Snorkelling and getting to glimpse the underwater world is a sublime experience, prying into a world you do not belong. Most cruise vessels offer the option of hiring a wetsuit and whilst the weather may be warm, I would recommend borrowing one so you can stay in the water for as long as possible. You never know if there is a sea turtle, Galapagos penguin or whitetip reef shark just around the coral.