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The inner city of Johannesburg

From the blog in June 2012

  • The inner city of Johannesburg

    South Africa self tour

    01 Min Read

    Myself and my girlfriend will be stopping over in Johannesburg for four days. We have already booked a two day stay/tour in Soweto. On the third day, however, we want to explore a little of Johannesburg. We would like to walk and also use the Rea Vaya bus system. We are hoping to spend time at the CBD area, newtown and Constitution Hill. Can you recommend if this is a sensible way to see JoBurg and what sites we should definitely make an effort to see? Thanks.

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  • Wentworth falls, Blue Mountains

    Tasmania, Australia and New Zealand

    02 Min Read

    Next spring we hope to visit our friends in Tasmania, and travel to the Australian mainland and New Zealand, staying away for about two months. Which order should we visit the countries in, which months are best, and how long do we need to do the trip justice? Have you any suggestions for places not to miss while keeping the budget realistic?

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  • Giant Anteater in the Brazilian Pantanal

    Wedding anniversary in Brazil

    01 Min Read

    We are celebrating our 45th Wedding Anniversary on December 28th this year. Could you suggest some destinations appropriate to visit at this time of year to mark this special occasion? We particularly enjoy activity-type vacations with interests in wildlife, walking and dancing.

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  • Sambar deer

    Ten Questions for Karan Modi

    03 Min Read

    Karan works in Kanha National Park — home to deer, tiger and Indian bison — in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India as a naturalist and safari lodge owner.

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