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Georgia Darlow won our Sunday Times Photography Competition in 2015 with her photo of young monks in a temple in Myanmar.

She was fortunate to win a safari for two to Zambia, and talks us through her favorite photos captured on the trip below.

Leopard captured in the bush

'Taken at Chindeni Bushcamp, we were lucky to have leopard sightings almost every night, but this was the first one we had seen fully in daylight. He sat with us for a while and then disappeared in a second, perfectly camouflaged as he slipped into the bush.'

Monkey eating its breakfast

'I managed to photograph this monkey whilst enjoying our first breakfast in Zambia at Mfuwe Lodge. It was early morning and the monkey was sitting near the breakfast area, eyeing up our breakfast while tucking into its own.'

Male lion
Male lion in the bush

'During our trip we took a night drive from Bilimungwe Bushcamp. We had been driving around for a while trying to track down this male lion, and I have no idea how our guide knew where to find him, but he did!'

A herd of impalas

'This photo was also taken on a game drive from Bilimungwe Bushcamp. The impala were often quite skittish, so when taking photos you had to be very quick.'

A majestic elephant

'This photo was taken at Chindeni Bushcamp. Elephant were pretty much a daily sighting for us and soon became my favorite of the Big Five. Their presence and movements were just so majestic, you couldn't help but admire them.'

Cheeky monkey at Mfuwe Lodge

'This was the same monkey photographed and mentioned above at Mfuwe Lodge. It was so brazen, always trying to sneak closer on the off chance it could grab some leftovers from our plates. Luckily the camp staff were well aware of them and no one lost their breakfast!'

Waterbuck in the undergrowth

'On one of our final drives from Chamilandu Bushcamp we saw these waterbuck. Like the impala we had seen previously, they were often skittish and hard to photograph, but these two posed perfectly for us.'

Front shot on an elephant in Zambia
Frontal view of an elephant

'This was the closest we got to an elephant on the entire trip. We were on a game drive from Chamilandu Bushcamp and there was something so calm and collected about this one; I wanted to try and capture that in this photo.'

Plan your own Zambia safari

Start thinking about your experience. These itineraries are simply suggestions for how you could enjoy some of the same experiences as our specialists. They're just for inspiration, because your trip will be created around your particular tastes.

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