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We are getting married on 31st August this year and were hoping to go on honeymoon a couple of days after. Initially we were attracted to Kerala, for the culture, beaches and relaxed atmosphere, as well as the cuisine. Unfortunately we have been told the rainy season extends to September and so have been advised that it's not the best time to go. Can you suggest a similar vacation destination better at this time of year?

Hatton, Sri Lanka


Dear Harriet,

Thank you for your inquiry and congratulations on your wedding!

Certainly, Kerala would be a great choice for a honeymoon, it really does offer amazing culture and stunning scenery in which to relax. However, as you mentioned, it can be particularly wet during September due to the monsoon season.

Have you considered Sri Lanka as a potential alternative? Having traveled to them both and most recently returning from Sri Lanka, I found that there are many similarities between the two. In particular the beauty of the country!

Sri Lanka is good to travel through throughout the year as the historically defined monsoon seasons are now spread to the odd scattered shower. You can therefore enjoy great weather at any time of the year.

The country has a rich diversity of culture with a variety of religions from Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and Hindu all having an influence on the way of life which you will experience. The food is famous across the world and for good reason, especially the fresh seafood which can be found throughout this island nation.

Sri Lanka’s landscape offers it all, from mountains and tea country, to national parks rich in wildlife and golden sand lined beaches. Couple this with incredible properties from the traditional and characterful to the luxurious, you can certainly find yourself a place to relax and take in all the country has to offer.

If you are looking for an alternative without losing out on any experiences, then a honeymoon in Sri Lanka will ensure you get everything you are looking for.

If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to be in touch.

Kind regards


- Answered by Niall

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