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We love to receive your travel stories and hear about the wonderful experiences you’ve had in destinations all over the world.

Read a collection of the tales shared by fellow Audley travelers below and if you feel inspired to share yours, contact your Country Specialist or call us at 1-855-838-8300 today.

Barrie and Narasri Parker traveled with us to Myanmar

My wife and I have traveled fairly extensively in Southeast Asia and have wanted to visit Myanmar for a long time. We feared that if we delayed too much longer, its rapidly expanding popularity as a tourist destination would mean it would become increasingly commercialized and lose its legendary charm. Beginning in Mandalay, we explored the jade market and craftsmen…

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A hot air balloon trip is a great way to experience Bagan's temples
Barrie captured the centuries-old temples at Bagan

Julie De Vere Hunt traveled with us to Jordan

Petra (which means ‘rock’) is the legendary ‘rose-red city’ of the Nabataeans, dramatically concealed behind a wall of mountains pierced only by the Siq Canyon. Hewn from towering rock walls of multi-colored sandstone, the imposing façades of its great temples and tombs are an enduring testament to the vision of the Nabataeans…

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Walking through to the Treasury, Petra
Julie thought the Treasury, bathed in sunlight, looked like a film set

Christopher Wells and Rosemarie Mostyn traveled with us to South Africa

The main goal for us was whale watching and a wildlife safari, the ‘Marine Five’ and the ‘Big Five’, but that does not do it justice by a long way. We hoped September to October would be the ideal time to see the southern right whales, close to the coast, just South of Cape Town, and the end of the dry season for game viewing…

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Leopard, Mateya Safari Lodge
Christopher and Rosemarie spotted leopard in the  Madikwe Game Reserve during their stay

Traveled with us recently? We'd love to hear and share your travel story.

If you'd like to tell us about your trip, just contact your Country Specialist or call us at 1-855-838-8300.

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